IIlustrei uma materia para o @wepresent do portal @wetransfer, onde o escritor Jesse Bernard faz um paralelo do movimento "Grime" surgido nos anos 2000 em londres e o movimento do rap e do funk 150 bpm no brasil.

I illustrated a story for @wepresent on the @wetransfer portal, where writer Jesse Bernard parallels the "Grime" movement that emerged in the 2000s in London and the rap and funk 150 bpm wave in Brazil. 

Please follow me on instagram and click here to see more and buy prints.

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OS SERTÕES - A IDADE DOS METAIS.. Recife-Brasil. 2012. Estúdio Super Terra
• NATAL JACK 2015 • • BAILA PAPAI NOEL • Jack Daniel's & Go Elephants Crew • Academia da Berlinda & Dirimbó se apresentaram no palco principal do Arcádia da rua do Futuro (Recife,Brasil), enquanto os intervalos foram embalados pelo DJ Nepal (D-EDGE). No segundo palco, onde se apresentaram os DJs Lucio Morais, Doubleminds e Nasa, o deephouse tomou conta da festa. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Academia da Berlinda & Dirimbó performed on the main stage of the Future Street Arcadia (Recife, Brazil), while the intervals were packed by DJ Nepal (D-EDGE). In the second stage, where he presented the DJs Lucio Morais, Doubleminds e Nasa, the deephouse took party account.
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Institutional poster of the show of the Liniker and the Karamelows show, Clayton Barros, Kitanda System, Dj Vaca Profana & Dj Mozaum. It happened on November 18, 2016, at the  Baile Perfumado in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
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