Joe Biden foi eleito presidente do EUA. Isso é um resultado muito importante aqui no Brasil e aconteceu mais rápido do que esperávamos. O nocaute de D. Trump inicia o efeito dominó da derrocada da extrema direita nas américas. Vamos derrubar Jair Bolsonaro nas urnas em 2022. A virada é agora.
Joe Biden was elected president of the USA. This is a very important result here in Brazil and it happened faster than we expected. D. Trump's knockout starts the domino effect of the collapse of the far right in the Americas. We are going to take down Jair Bolsonaro at the polls in 2022. The victory started now.
Joe Biden was elected president of the USA. This is a very important result here in Brazil and it happened faster than we expected. D. Trump's knockout starts the domino effect of the collapse of the far right in the Americas. We are going to take down Jair Bolsonaro at the polls in 2022. The victory started now.

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